It would seem that difficult: I bought headphones, put them in my ears and listen to music. In fact, everything is much more complicated. In order for the device to live longer, you need to familiarize yourself with the operating rules in advance, learn how to do it correctly connect it to your phone, computer or TV... And also be able to cope with simple problems on your own. How to use bluetooth headphones: Read all about the intricacies of wireless technology in our article.
How do I use TWS headphones?
The capabilities of each gadget are different. It all depends on technical characteristics, manufacturer and many other factors. Therefore, before buying, it is important to surf the Internet, read people's reviews and clearly know what you expect from the gadget. There is a set of basic rules to help you manage your new purchase and get the most out of it.
General rules:
- In-ear headphones are located inside your ear canal, so do not share them with other people to avoid various infections. Otherwise, it is worth promptly treating it with an antiseptic or changing the linings.
- If you can listen to music for several hours, nothing presses, does not rub or cause any other discomfort - which means that the selected headphone model is perfect for you. If not, it is best to change it to something more appropriate.
- The pandemic has shown that it is not only the hands that should be treated with antiseptic compounds, but also the surfaces that come into contact with the skin. Therefore, do not forget to wipe the headphones, just make sure that no drops get inside the device.
- When listening to music frequently in public or open spaces in the city, it is important to have a model that does not suppress sounds completely. This will help you avoid accidents.
- Headphones must be cleaned of earwax accumulations, otherwise the sound will deteriorate over time.
Read also: How to choose headphones?
How to use wireless headphones outdoors?
Most often, the headset is used outside the home. When putting on your headphones outdoors, learn a few simple rules:
- The ears are an audio device that is not intended for use in humid environments (except for dust and moisture resistant models). Therefore, putting on the device in the rain or snow, be sure to hide them under a hat or even refuse to walk with music.
- Batteries in wireless devices are sensitive to temperature changes and drain quickly in extreme heat or freezing weather. When leaving the house at this time, take care of the full charge of the battery.
- Some standard models tend to fall out of the ears and get lost. Try to place them in the auricle so that you do not have to look for the device later.
Read also: How do I sync my headphones?
How to use wireless headphones correctly?
Emergence bluetooth technology significantly improved the convenience of listening to music for us. Now you don't have to waste time untangling your headphones, fixing wires, or worrying about kinks. Wireless device requires proper pairing and a fully charged battery. Models from different brands, for example, Airpods, Airdots, JBL, i11 or i12, have a number of functions for which a single key is responsible:
- Switching on / off is usually done using the same key. If this is inconvenient for you, try to find a model where there are separate buttons for each operation.
- Choose a gadget with a maximum of two functions per key, otherwise it will be difficult to control.
- The volume rocker and rewind are usually on the same button, so it is better to look for a model with separate control keys if you are confusing them.
- As in the case with the on / off button of the device, in the wireless headset one button accepts and ends the call. However, there are models where pressing the button again after completion automatically dials the last number you spoke to, which is not always convenient.
How to use wireless headphones JBL, Xiaomi, Apple, Sony, Samsung
Regardless manufacturer and models, all wireless devices generally work according to the same scheme:
- The headphones must be charged using the case.
- Then you need to create a pairing between the right and left ears, if they are not already paired with each other. This is necessary in order for the main headphone to receive the signal, which it will then distribute between the channels.
- The next step is to create a pairing between the smartphone / tablet / computer and the gadget (they also need to be connected in turn, since each earphone is defined as a separate audio device).
- If all the steps are done correctly, try playing some musical composition.
Read also: If there is no sound through the headphones
Always read the instructions before use, and it will help you quickly master the control of an advanced gadget.